Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Certification

Producers of seaweed and wild-caught fish face responsible management and chain-of-custody requirements. MSC certification from NSF shows compliance with requirements.

NSF Meets the Regulatory Challenge of MSC Standards

Wild-caught seafood sources are challenged to manage their fisheries responsibly to prevent the depletion of fish stocks. Producers, distributors and sellers also must demonstrate a traceable chain of custody from fishing vessel to consumer. Seaweed producers face a similar challenge to preserve water quality and habitats. As an accredited certifier of all Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Certification standards, NSF Certification, LLC enables every participant in seaweed and wild-caught seafood production, distribution and sale to show compliance with MSC standards.

Display of MSC’s distinctive blue fish label sets them apart for higher visibility and market access to retailers, restaurants and customers.

International Recognition and Independence

MSC is known for promoting sustainable practices at fisheries and protecting ecosystems to safeguard seafood supplies. MSC is the only global wild-capture certification program that meets best practice requirements set by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) and ISEAL. Known for continuous improvement and engagement, MSC’s programs employ third-party assessors to ensure unbiased assessments.

MSC’s Three Key Standards in Detail

MSC has three standards:

  • MSC Fisheries Standard: It attests that fisheries rely on sustainable fish stocks, minimize environmental impact and employ effective fisheries management.
  • MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard: This provides assurance that sustainable fishery products are traceable and separated from non-certified products.
  • Seaweed Production: Conducted with the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), seaweed standards address issues such as water quality, water movement and the structure of aquatic and terrestrial habitats.

Your next step?

Contact NSF to navigate your compliance challenges.

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