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Webinar Covers Lessons Learned in ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and RC/RCMS 14001 Transition Audits

With only a few months left to transition to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and RC/RCMS 14001, NSF-ISR created a webinar to share some vital information with companies updating to any of these ISO management systems standards.

The webinar shares detailed information based on lessons learned during transition/upgrade audits. This includes an overview of the transition process, details about a few of the focus areas for transition audits and helpful hints to make your transition process as smooth as possible. We also cover what’s changed and what remains in the same in the old versus current standards and provide some resources to help you in the transition process, such as a readiness assessment tool and delta checklist, as well as some tools available specifically to NSF-ISR clients.

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