McDonald’s Audits With NSF: Food Safety and Quality Assurance for Suppliers

Understanding the McDonald’s compliance audits

From manufacturing to storage or distribution, McDonald’s suppliers are expected to meet comprehensive food safety and quality standards. These audits cover essential areas, such as food safety, and good manufacturing practices (GMP).
Comprehensive McDonald’s audits from NSF
NSF is an approved certification body (CB) to provide McDonald’s audits globally. As a supplier for McDonald’s, you need to comply with the company’s food safety expectations for the handling, production, and distribution of raw and prepared foods. It may include different audit types, such as:
- Supplier Quality Management System (SQMS) audit: Comprehensive audit that assesses facilities on SQMS standard. Can be done as a Full SQMS audit (two days) or a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) + SQMS Addenda (half day).
- Unannounced GMP audit: For McDonald’s high-risk sites in addition to SQMS.
- Unannounced Distributor Quality Management Process (DQMP) audit: Comprehensive distribution center audit that assesses facilities on DQMP standard. Can be done as a Full DQMP audit (two days) or a GFSI + DQMP Addenda (half day).
- Global Quality & Safety Requirements (GQSR) audit: Comprehensive audit that assesses packaging manufacturing facilities on the Full GQSR audit (two days) or the GFSI + GQSR Addenda (half day).
- Protein specific audits: Beef, pork, chicken, egg
- Animal Health and Welfare Standards at Slaughter – Beef, Pork and Chicken
- Animal Health and Welfare Standards – Laying Hens (Egg)
- GMP, Traceability, HACCP – Beef, Pork and Chicken
- Microbiological Standards – E. coli and BSE (Beef).
Our teams handle reporting, corrective actions and uploads to McDonald's designated databases, to ensure you stay in compliance.
Why choose NSF?
We understand both McDonald’s precise requirements, and the standards you need to comply with, and combine this in depth understanding with experienced auditors, efficient scheduling, and the consistent support you expect from your trusted Certification Body
Choosing NSF empowers you to meet McDonald’s rigorous standards confidently, supporting brand reputation and strengthening your business relationship with McDonald’s.
For more information on NSF’s audit solutions, contact us to schedule your meeting. Our team is ready to work with you.
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