Step-By-Step Considerations When Choosing a Water Purifier for Your Home

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We provide step-by-step factors to consider when choosing the right product for your family from the variety of water purifiers on the market.

Here are five key factors to consider when choosing the right product for your family from the variety of water purifiers on the market.

Step 1: Determine what contaminants are in your water.

Water purifiers are very common in Malaysia, and the hygiene and safety of the water from microbial pathogens is of paramount importance.

Not all water purifiers remove all types of contaminants, so it is vital to choose one that removes those you are concerned about.

Step 2: Compare the types of water purifiers.

There are many different types of water purifiers, as listed below. Some remove only one contaminant, while others remove multiple contaminants. Compare the different options to determine which type of product is best for your home.

  • Pitchers, dispensers and natural filter water purifiers
  • Refrigerator-mounted water purifier
  • Faucet direct connection water purifier
  • Under-sink water purifier (water pipe connection)
  • Under-sink water purifier (separate faucet)
  • Direct water or water tank water purifier
  • Reverse osmosis water purifier
  • UV sterilisation water purifier
  • Portable water purifier

Step 3: Check the NSF certification mark.

The NSF mark is your assurance that the product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organisations in existence today. It is valued by consumers, manufacturers, retailers and regulatory agencies worldwide.

The NSF mark is specific to the type of product it appears on — from dietary supplements to water filters and dishwashers to plumbing components, pool equipment and more.

Products bearing an NSF certification mark meet all standard requirements, including product testing and regular inspections to verify that products continue to comply with the standard. To check whether a product is NSF certified, please search our certified product listing page or leave your inquiry on our Consumer Contact page.

Step 4: Beware of counterfeit products.

Counterfeit products do not reduce contaminates they claim to, or they may contaminate water because they are made of harmful materials. In addition, using counterfeit filter cartridges with poor specifications may cause water leakage, resulting in high repair costs.

Please check products’ authenticity using the methods below.

  • Price: Counterfeit water purifiers and counterfeit replacement cartridges are usually considerably less expensive than genuine certified filters.
  • Weight: Counterfeit products are light because they use substandard materials.
  • Mark: Counterfeit products likely have small certification marks in order to avoid attention and investigation.
  • Packaging: Counterfeit water purifiers may use glossy packaging to make them appear like quality products.

Step 5: Replace the filter according to the manufacturer's instructions.

After purchasing a household water purifier, regular maintenance is required to ensure that the product continues to function normally. NSF-certified water purifiers are tested and certified according to the manufacturer’s instruction manual. This includes replacing the filter cartridge with a genuine filter cartridge suitable for your water purifier, according to the recommended replacement timing.

Familiarize yourself with the essential replacement parts for your water purifier and when to replace them. When purchasing a home water purifier, consider the cost of regular filter replacement in determining your final budget.

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