Qualification and Validation Training

NSF’s courses cater to all levels. Choose from introductory and advanced level courses.
Instructor-Led Courses
Advanced Equipment Qualification and Process Validation
Introduction to Validation Course Bundle
Cleaning Validation
Online Self-Paced Courses
Process Validation and Equipment Qualification
Cleaning Qualification
Computerised Systems Validation
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Featured Courses
Advanced Equipment Qualification and Process Validation
This highly participative process validation training course is designed to ensure that you understand the current EU and FDA requirements for the design, execution, assessment and reporting of equipment qualification and process validation studies. Learn how the science- and risk-based approach to validation can deliver business efficiency, increase reliability, enable robust processes and assure product quality. Doing so can add real value to your business while providing better protection to patients.
Tutor: Andy Marshall
Price: £1560 excluding VAT (where applicable)
Please note: payment by credit/debit card will be required at time of booking.
You can view our booking terms and conditions from here.
Pharmaceutical Process Validation and Equipment Qualification Training
This self-paced digital learning course provides comprehensive instruction on pharmaceutical manufacturing process validation and equipment qualification. The program is presented in three modules for approximately 4.5 hours* of content.
Completing NSF’s pharmaceutical process validation training will give learners a holistic view of validation encompassing pre-validation studies, process development and process evaluation. The course emphasizes modern approaches that apply principles of QbD, PAT and ongoing quality risk management (QRM).
Computerised Systems Validation
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of current good CSV practice along with some practical advice about how to achieve good outcomes in a cost-effective and resource-efficient way.Have questions about a training course?