Training for Regulators
We offer a variety of training platforms including webinar, onsite/classroom and at conferences. This complimentary service is an important resource for many state and local health departments that need information or training on NSF standards or product certifications. We understand the budget and travel constraints of today’s health departments, and also offer complimentary copies of NSF standards for health department use.

We can work with you to design and deliver training related to any of our areas of expertise, usually at no cost to regulators.
Onsite Classroom Training
From time to time, a city or state health department has a meeting that could benefit from direct classroom training. We are available to address specific topics.
NSF is often asked to participate in national, state and regional conferences by exhibiting, sponsoring and presenting. This interaction helps regulators understand the work we perform and informs us of the issues and priorities of today’s health departments. If you are holding a conference and would like NSF to participate or submit an abstract, get in touch!