Pharmaceutical Training

Bring about change that drives improvements. NSF’s pharmaceutical training and education programs focus on changing behaviors at both an individual and organization-wide level.

Known globally for their high-quality content, our pharmaceutical courses have the depth, range and flexibility to meet all your needs.

Download our PDF guide to view all our training courses in one place.

Explore Our Courses

Certificate in Pharmaceutical Quality
Certificate in Pharmaceutical Quality is based upon the US FDA’s six systems approach to quality.
Certificate in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Each course contains engaging knowledge checks and concludes with a final competency assessment and course completion certificate.
Auditor Training
Today’s pharmaceutical auditor needs auditing skills, technical skills and up to date knowledge of the latest regulatory requirements. Meet these needs with NSF.
GxP Training
Our pharmaceutical GxP training is designed to meet your organizations needs and will teach you all you need to know about the latest EU and U.S. requirements for pharmaceutical GxP.
Qualified Person Training
QPs trained by NSF are widely recognized as the best in the industry. No other training provider can match our experience or our success rate.
Quality Systems Training
The quality of your products depends on the quality of your people and the effectiveness of the pharmaceutical quality system (PQS).
Regulatory Training
Stay in compliance with ever-changing pharmaceutical legislation and regulatory authority guidance.
Sterile and Biotech Training
Benefit from a range of courses in hot topics in the pharma industry, including our ever-popular hands-on GMP training for biotechnology, sterile manufacturing and advanced therapy medicinal products.
Qualification and Validation Training
Gain a comprehensive understanding of EU and FDA regulatory requirements associated with validation and qualification in pharmaceuticals, and learn how to apply your processes to improve overall business performance.
Other Technical Training
Keep up your continued professional development and improve your skills and processes with NSF's various pharmaceutical technical courses.
Pharmaceutical Legislation Update
You can register for this service all year round! Pharmaceutical legislation and regulatory authority guidance are continually changing. These changes, and their interpretation, can have significant implications for companies. Many changes require detailed planning to implement and failure to do so can result in serious compliance problems.

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Featured Courses

Compliance to Performance

Following the tremendous success of our UK Conference in 2023, we are excited to announce the date and high-level agenda for NSF’s 2nd UK Conference. This year the Conference will again be held at The Royal Society of Chemistry in London.

We have invited/confirmed speakers from Regulatory Authorities, Trade Associations, and Industry. This includes UK MHRA, EMA, US FDA, ABPI, BGMA, and Pharma.

Conference Themes:

1) AI and Technology Advancements in Manufacturing

2) Supply Shortage and Resilience

09.00-10.00 Registration, Coffee, and Networking

Morning Session 1

In this initial session Pete Gough will provide a comprehensive regulatory update, with a focus on our two conference themes. Following this we will hear from industry experts about their experiences of AI and Technology advancements, with real life examples and thought-provoking initiatives that will keep the discussions flowing throughout the networking break.

Networking Break

Morning Session 2

In this second session, we hope to hear from one of our invited Regulatory Authority representatives on how AI and Technology advances are shaping regulation and indeed activities across the sector.

Networking Lunch

Afternoon Session 1

Straight after lunch we hope to hear from other invited Regulatory Authorities representatives and Industry colleagues on the latest initiatives to support supply chain resilience. Potential topics might include an overview of supply shortages and challenges, regulatory initiatives (including Quality Management Maturity, Culture, and Data Integrity) and some innovative case studies on minimising supply disruption, through product lifecycle thinking.

Networking Break

Afternoon Session 2

We continue the theme of supply chain resilience with colleagues from Key Trade Associations, like BGMA (confirmed) and ABPI (invited) to hear their perspectives.

To end the day, we will have a rich panel of speakers, some lively debate, questions and interaction on the key topics of the day.

16.30 Closing Remarks

London, United Kingdom
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Virtual Classroom Training
Analysis and Testing

This highly focused, intensive four-and-a-half-day course, taught by leading scientists and former Quality Control Managers, is designed to provide the aspiring Qualified Person or pharmaceutical quality professional with the knowledge and understanding they need to be able to perform their duties with skill and competence when interacting with the Quality Control laboratories.

We will explain to you the strengths and limitations of analysis and specific analytical methods, we will advise you on how to apply the principles of quality management and GMP to the testing environment in a pragmatic, effective way, and we will advise you of the very latest “hot topics” with the regulators and how to ensure that your laboratories are in compliance.

This virtual blended training course will be delivered via a combination of an instructor-led virtual classroom and self-paced learning online. This will require an element of learning to be completed prior to the virtual classroom, as well as afterwards and this will be managed through our online Learning Management System. Full details, including timings for the instructor-led virtual classrooms, will be emailed following registration.

Tutors: Dave Waddington, Oona McPolin

Price: £3555 excluding VAT (where applicable)

Course registrations will close 5 working days before the start of the course.

You can view our booking terms and conditions from here.

Multiple Delegate Discounts are available for delegates from the same company attending the same course.
The first delegate must pay full price. The second delegate will receive a 20% discount. The third and any subsequent delegates will receive a 50% discount. Charities, NHS staff are entitled to a 50% discount. (Proof will be required).

Virtual Classroom Training
  • Good balance between presentations and workshops. Good learning atmosphere.
    Hoa Vnong
  • Tutors have excellent knowledge. Good mixture of lectures and activities!
    Chirag Patel
  • Very nice course at the right level. Very interactive.
    Marije Liscalet
    Crucell Holland

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