FSSC Releases Version 6 of the FSSC 22000 – Audits Begin April 1, 2024

Be prepared for Version 6 of the FSSC 22000 scheme and strengthen your food safety management system.

On April 1, 2023, the FSSC Foundation published Version 6 of the FSSC 22000 scheme, a GFSI recognized food safety certification for food manufacturers.

FSSC 22000 certifies the food, feed and packaging safety systems of companies in the food chain that process or manufacture animal products, perishable vegetable products, products with a long shelf life and other food ingredients like additives, vitamins and bio-cultures.

Version 6 Updates the Scheme in Three Main Areas

This latest version – the first since Version 5 was published in June 2019 – comprises three components:

  • ISO 22000
    The update strengthens the requirements to support organizations in contributing to efforts to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes new requirements for food loss and waste. Organizations, for example, must document their strategy to reduce food loss and waste in their organization and supply chains.
  • Pre-requisite program (PRP) specifications based on ISO Technical Standards 22002-x
    Additional requirements are specified for the basic food safety practices necessary to maintain a hygienic environment and prevent food contamination – the minimum standards that must be met by all food businesses.
  • Additional requirements for FSSC
    • Food safety and quality culture (all food chain categories)
    • Quality control (all food chain categories)
    • Equipment management (all food chain categories, except FII)
    • Food loss and waste (all food chain categories, except I)
    • Communication requirements (all food chain categories)

Version 6 includes other changes. Among them, the scheme document includes more detail to facilitate understanding and application. New scopes were added: animal primary conversion, such as slaughterhouse (C0); pre-process handling of plant products (BIII), such as fruit and vegetable packhouses; trading and brokering (FII); and pet food moved into category C. Two scopes were removed: the farming scope (Category A) and FSSC 22000 Quality.

Plan Now for Key Dates for Version 6

A 12-month window (from the publication of Version 6) gives organizations time to prepare and certification bodies time to implement the scheme and gain accreditation.

  • Audits to Version 6 begin April 1, 2024.
  • All organizations must complete the Version 6 upgrade audit by March 31, 2025.

Get Started – Download What You Need To Know at No Charge

Download the Version 6 Upgrade Process document and other information here.

Training Course: FSSC 22000 Internal Auditor v6

Take a look at our upcoming virtual training courses for FSSC 22000 Internal Auditor v6.

Ready To Begin the Process?

Contact us with questions or to receive a quote.

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