Pharmaceutical Qualified Person Training Overview

Embarking on training to become a QP is a major undertaking in terms of time, commitment and cost. You will only do it once, so make sure you do it right – come to us! We can talk you through whether this is the right program for you, if you meet the eligibility requirements or anything else you'd like to know.

Register for our free QP Seminar to immediately gain free access to our QP information pack and gap analysis tool, as well as several other resources and short videos providing information on becoming a QP.

Benefits of the QP Program

Our pharmaceutical Qualified Person (QP) training program provides MSc-level training with an industrial perspective that not only exceeds the requirements of the UK QP Study Guide, but also provides a context to help decision-making and help you survive as a QP. We provide both technical and non-technical skills training, such as problem solving, rapid learning techniques/mind mapping and conflict management training.

We develop individuals to be confident, knowledgeable decision-makers. Our personal tutors are always contactable and provide honest feedback on whether QP training is right for you. NSF’s QP training also provides you with:

  • Gap analysis and self-assessment tools to create your own personalized experience and training plan
  • Honest feedback: Is QP training right for you?
  • World-class tutors and experts from one of the top schools of pharmacy in the UK
  • Complete education documentation building to a full library of lifelong reference materials across the QP modules
  • Viva prep sessions: We don’t just train you to pass a viva, we take the time to prepare you to excel as a QP
  • Revision interview: A chance for you and your sponsor to confirm with the experts if you are ready to apply for assessment
  • Guidance with the QP application form
  • Competitive pricing
  • Additional support should you not pass the viva on the first try

Key Features

NSF offers pharmaceutical Qualified Person training in conjunction with the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, one of the premier universities for pharmaceutical education in the UK. This blend of academic excellence and sound industry-based experience sets our QP training apart from the other providers and ensures an unparalleled success rate. The course consists of 12 modules and meets the requirements for theoretical training as detailed in the latest Qualified Person Study Guide. All of our QP training modules are RSC approved. You have the option of doing your QP training in 12 months or longer. You can start and finish whenever you choose and take as many or as few modules as you wish over a period that suits you. We provide the flexibility to fit your QP training into your work life.

The modules provide practical, face-to-face or virtual tuition in master’s degree-level detail to prepare candidates for the challenging and ever-growing role of acting as a QP in today’s pharmaceutical industry. This course uniquely focuses on the knowledge and practical decision-making exercises necessary to build skills and confidence for the QP role. Sufficient time and depth are provided to grow QPs to be the best they can be and to prepare the candidates for the role ahead, not just the assessment process.

We work with you to maximize the chance for success at viva or international assessment and beyond. We provide unparalleled support, from training plan development and gap analysis to a supportive personal tutor, QP skills training, support with your application, a revision interview before your assessment and, after success, a strong, active alumni association.

Postgraduate Qualifications

The University of Strathclyde and NSF are working together to bring you first-class QP training and valuable professional qualifications.

We offer those taking pharmaceutical Qualified Person training the opportunity to gain a Master of Science (MSc) qualification, a postgraduate diploma (PGDip) or a postgraduate certificate (PGCert) in pharmaceutical quality and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).


The certificate is ideal for quality professionals looking to gain further qualifications or recognition in their profession. You must complete the three QP foundation modules plus three modules of your choice and perform satisfactorily in the assessments for each to be eligible to apply for the postgraduate certificate with the University of Strathclyde.


To register for the postgraduate diploma, delegates must generally attend all modules (although exemptions on the basis of prior learning can be granted). Delegates who perform satisfactorily in all assessments will be awarded the university diploma in pharmaceutical quality and Good Manufacturing Practice.


Holders of the postgraduate diploma who have attained a sufficient standard overall may proceed to the MSc in pharmaceutical quality and Good Manufacturing Practice by undertaking a supervised, industrially relevant project on a topic approved by the course director. Candidates are required to satisfy the board of examiners in a presentation of their project dissertation and in an oral examination. Project proposals are normally submitted within six months of completing the diploma course.

Value for Non-QPs

Not everyone attends our QP modules because they want to become a QP. Many use the training to develop as technical managers in other areas of pharmaceutical manufacture and control. Others attend as part of their continuing professional development. In fact, we train more individuals globally through courses at their own sites than we do through our public QP training program.

The syllabus is seen by many as essential skills training for all technical leaders, managers and supervisors working in the industry supporting product realization and release.


Q. Do I need to attend all the modules?
A. No. Unless you wish to aim for the postgraduate diploma or MSc, you can select modules as required.

Q. How can I decide which modules to attend?
A. Delegates are offered a free gap analysis with a course tutor. Guidance can be given during a face-to-face interview or remotely by providing a detailed CV for review.

Q. How long does the course take?
A. This depends on how many modules you wish to attend. The full course can be completed in 12 months or can be spread over a longer period to suit your schedule. Flexibility is the name of the game!

Q. How do I enroll for the postgraduate certificate?
A. The University of Strathclyde coordinates its qualification directly with the delegate but let our QP administrator know and they will inform the University. The requirements for the certificate are attending three foundation modules and three modules of choice, and performing satisfactorily in the module assessments.

Q. How do I enroll for the postgraduate diploma/MSc?
A. The University of Strathclyde coordinates its qualification directly with the delegate but let our QP administrator know and they will inform the University. Typically the requirements for the diploma are attending all modules and passing the module exams. The MSc requires this plus a workplace thesis/project, approved by the Course Director at the University.

Q. I’ve heard about the personal tutor system -- What is it?
A. Delegates taking a qualifying number of modules to become a core QP will also get these benefits, including a) a personal tutor who offers support and guidance through regular meetings on modules regarding the application process and experience requirements for the viva, b) a free revision interview six to eight weeks before their viva to assess the delegate’s readiness for the viva, c) review of the QP application form prior to submitting to the joint professional bodies and d) viva preparation face-to-face sessions and ongoing support from personal tutors.

Q. Do all modules cost the same?
No. Cost is determined by module length and venue (such as the practical module in Glasgow).

Q. Once the series is finished, do I still have use of NSF’s advice and consultancy?
Yes. Past delegates are always welcome to contact us with comments or queries for opinion or advice. This is a free service and we are always pleased to keep in touch with past delegates.

Q. What is the success rate of NSF delegates at viva?
A. Information to date shows a pass rate of 96 percent for NSF-trained delegates.

Q. Can the sponsor accompany the delegate to the revision interview at NSF?
A. Yes. We would recommend that the sponsor accompanies the delegate so that any weaknesses can be identified, and the sponsor can help the delegate work on improvements, with or without NSF support, before going forward for viva.

Q. I don’t want to be a QP, but this looks like great training. Can I attend?
A. Yes. Not everyone attending the modules is looking to become a QP. Many use the training to develop as technical managers or as part of their CPD.

Q. Is there an exam for each module?
A. Yes. Each module is assessed via a dissertation with a set deadline. Assessments are only mandatory for those taking the postgraduate qualifications, but we recommend all core delegates take the assessments to help with their own benchmarking and revision.

Q. Do I need a sponsor?
A. Yes. Ideally the sponsor is a QP and someone who knows you and your roles and responsibilities well and who can provide you with ongoing support through your training. Your sponsor will be required to complete a sponsor’s report to accompany your QP application form. NSF encourages sponsors to visit a module and meet the personal tutor to check on progress.

About Our Customized Pharmaceutical QP Training

Develop and motivate a team of quality, operational and technical personnel within your business without ever having to leave the office or facility. Our training experts at NSF can customize any of our QP courses and bring it to you, on-site.

Customizing our course content specifically to your products and procedures enables each training to meet your precise needs and requirements.

  • Examples of other on-site QP courses and training include:
  • Pharmaceutical Law and Guidance Overview
  • Pharmaceutical Law and the QP Role
  • Pharmaceutical Quality Management System
  • Formulation and processing specific to your company’s products
  • Shortened QP program – Over five modules


Multi-delegate discounts available. Discounts also offered to NSF staff, regulators and charities.

  • NSF provided very comprehensive QP training. The tutors’ delivery, experience and focus on personal development are exceptional. The course allowed me to develop a strong and effective network with other quality professionals, which is priceless!
    Ian Birch
    Roche Pharma AG
  • The training covered everything. I’ll come back for advice. You are more than just training providers. You have the future of the industry at heart, the sanity of the QP in mind and provide a wonderful opportunity to make new friends.
    Stephen Clarke
    Quality GMP, Aptuit