Zenith Labs
- Date
- March 11, 2021
- Company
Zenith Labs
4610 Prime Parkway McHenry, IL 60050 zenithlabs.com, silentmaleplague.com, freedomfromjointpain.com, healthyhairremedy.com, visionforalifetime.com, trimfataway.com, yourhealthybloodsugar.com, betterbrainperformance.com, mydigestionsupport.com, longevityactivator.net and visionforalifetime.net
- Product(s)
- Barbarian XL, Joint N-11, Hair ReVital X, Vision 20, Trim-14, Blood Sugar Premier, Brain C-13 and Probiotic T-50
- Issue
- Unauthorized use of NSF claims and the NSF mark in YouTube videos and product videos on websites
- Description
- Zenith Labs is referencing NSF certification and displaying the NSF mark in its product YouTube videos and in videos on its websites. Zenith Labs does not have product certified by NSF or a facility registered by NSF and is not authorized to display the NSF mark or to make any claims of NSF certification.