John Travis
John Travis has more than 25 years of experience in analyzing dietary supplements, utilizing techniques such as gas and high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. His expertise in the analysis of dietary supplements for ingredients prohibited by antidoping organizations was instrumental in developing screening methods for NSF’s Certified for Sport® program. These procedures help analyze and detect potentially harmful substances, contaminants and emerging drugs in dietary supplements. He joined NSF in 1995.
As new performance-enhancing drugs become available, Mr. Travis’ research helps NSF identify test methodologies to screen for these compounds and ensure that certified products contain the ingredients and quantities as labeled without including banned substances or contaminants. In turn, this certification allows coaches, trainers and athletes to make more informed choices while developing their training programs.
Mr. Travis is an active contributor to several trade and peer-reviewed publications and review panels, and was a member of the Association of Official AnalyticalChemists (AOAC) Presidential Task Force on Dietary Supplements.
His areas of expertise include:
- Laboratory analysis
- Dietary supplements
- Analytical chemistry
- High-performance liquid chromatography
- Mass spectrometry