Webinar Shares Lessons Learned During Migration to ISO 45001
Migrations and transitions are a beast for any organization to tackle. To help, NSF International Strategic Registrations (NSF-ISR) has recorded an ISO 45001 Lessons Learned webinar, which is a useful tool for organizations undertaking migration from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 or tackling ISO 45001 certification for the first time.
The webinar provides an overview of best practices and lessons learned throughout the migration process. This educational tool aims to help organizations better plan for a future ISO 45001 audit, whether that’s a migration or other audit.
With OHSAS 18001 certificates expiring on March 11, 2021, we wanted to remind all OHSAS 18001 certified organizations that we highly recommend scheduling and completing an ISO 45001 migration audit by November 2020. To help meet this aggressive timeline, please review our additional optional tools for ISO 45001 migration on our Standards in Transition page.
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